Answered By: Andy Tucker
Last Updated: Sep 30, 2024     Views: 825

The following are answers to the four most asked questions regarding this assignment. If these don't answer your specific questions feel free to:

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  • For other articles on your topic, in Medline search "heart disease" and "history of medicine" or "Arteriosclerosis" and "history or medicine" or any other terms such as "pain" and "history of medicine" or "Aristotle " and "rhetoric" pdfs or html full text will be available.

  • To generate a citation, once you have an article pulled up look, on the far right hand side for the grey command bar, find "cite" and click that for an APA, MLA, etc citation. 

  • To save this to your computer, pull up a pdf or html of any article whilst viewing right click mouse and click "save as" and save this to your pc. 

Andy Tucker Librarian